Stanley Booth

How We Reached 100%

The founder of U.S. Plastic Corporation®, Dr. Stanley Tam, has two passions: making money and helping people find God. And since the very beginning of his business, he has used the one passion to fuel the other.

In 1940, Stanley decided to make God his senior partner. He and his wife Juanita established the Stanita Foundation, giving it 51% ownership of the company. Each year, the Foundation took its 51% of the profits and gave it to mission work around the world. Then in 1955, while speaking in Medellin, Colombia, Stanley had a pivotal conversation with God that would increase his giving to missions even further:

› What are you asking me to do, Lord?

› Stanley, if you agree a soul is the greatest value in the whole world and is the only investment you can make in this life that will pay dividends throughout eternity, would you be willing to go back to Ohio and become an employee of Mine?

› An employee, Lord? Isn’t that what I am now?

› We’re partners now, Stanley. I want you to turn your entire business over to Me!

Stanley was stunned. It was beyond anything he had ever considered, but he managed to pray, “If this is what You want, I will obey.” On the way home from South America, Stanley mustered the courage to share the experience with his wife. She supported the decision wholeheartedly and together they signed over 100% of the company’s stock to the Stanita Foundation.

To this day, God owns U.S. Plastic Corporation® and many people have heard about His love and forgiveness thanks to the work and mission of this company.

Kevin Kempton, CEO & President

We exist to HONOR God…
by serving our customers & caring for our employees
to PROVIDE Resources for world evangelism.

We exist to HONOR God… by serving our customers & caring for our employees to PROVIDE Resources for world evangelism.

Continue reading: Where We Give 100%.

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When Stanley Tam, founder of U.S. Plastic, decided to give 100% legal ownership of his company to God, it deeply impacted both his professional and personal life. Read his remarkable story in the FREE book God Owns My Business.